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Curriculum Overview
Our curriculum is based on a thematic approach. This is a way of teaching and learning, whereby many areas of the curriculum are connected together and integrated within a theme.
It allows learning to be more natural and linked so that children can see the purpose within their learning. Skills and knowledge are acquired for each subject through the study of a central topic. Learning is cohesive and it allows literacy to grow progressively, with vocabulary linked and with spelling and sentence writing being frequently reinforced. It allows connected ideas to follow on easily and links to be made across the school.
Our curriculum allows children's natural creativity and curiosity to flourish, alongside the purposeful acquisition of skills and knowledge. It is successfully adapted, designed, and developed for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities and provides ‘hands-on’ practical learning that supports pupils to make ‘real-life’ world connections.
Our curriculum ensures that our children set themselves high standards and demands that they always demonstrate that they care about everything and everyone. Through the curriculum, they are expected to embrace changes and challenges thrust upon them with grace and enthusiasm. The vast range of opportunities given to our pupils from Foundation Stage to Year 6, matches the aims of our curriculum and our context.
Cultural Capital:
What does cultural capital mean at Orchard Fields School?
Every child, who joins our school, will have their own prior background knowledge and experience that link to their culture, family and community. This will include: languages, beliefs, traditions, religions, interests, travel and heritage.
Cultural capital is an accumulation of this knowledge and experience that a child is able to draw upon; it is one of the key components that a pupil draws upon to be successful in their world. It helps children achieve their goals.
At Orchard Fields Community School, children benefit from a curriculum that builds on what they understand and know already. This means our children have a deep and connected knowledge and understanding of where they came from, who they are and what they might become. We believe that exposure, not only to culture but also to situations in which the children might not have previous experiences of, is of paramount importance to their ongoing successes.
We strongly believe that school trips and educational visits and visitors are powerful and necessary teaching tools that enhance a child’s cultural capital. A rich and meaningful curriculum facilitates high quality learning. Learning outside the classroom adds essential value to each individual’s academic journey. These experiences are deliberately planned as part of each child’s journey and ensures that they make the necessary links needed to enhance their learning.
A range of learning opportunities are in place to support the teaching of our creative curriculum, including: educational visits and visitors in addition to residential trips, personalised provision to ensure inclusion for all, stimulating learning environments, innovative use of resources and a varied timetable of after-school activities. A wide range of enrichment and enjoyment activities, including residential opportunities, are embedded in the curriculum and these are used effectively to engage pupils, develop social skills and provide much needed life experiences.